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Zahnya is a 2007 Oldenburg mare with the coveted G-line blood on top and a very proven damline. Zahnya, her dam and all of her siblings have all proven themselves in-hand including several National and Zone Championships. Several of her foals have been awarded accolades including site champion, foal of distinction, and Horse of the year.

Zahnya was Oldenburg horse of the year in 2007, 2008, and 2009. She was 2020 USDF National Champion broodmare, 2020 National Champion Oldenburg, 2020 USEF Reserve National Champion Mature Horse and 2020 USEF Zone Champion. She also had multiple USEF PHR National and Zone Championships.

Zahnya's Sire Glorioso Noir placed equally as well in the dressage and jumping portions of his 100-Day Stallion Test. He competed successfully in young horse dressage classes and went on to be a well decorated hunter, earning the title of 2007 AHS Regular Working Hunter Champion. True to the versatility in his pedigree, his offspring have exceled in multiple rings. His sire Glorieux was a Bundeschampionate winner; as well as winner of his stallion licensing and Reserve Champion of his Stallion Performance Test. Glorieux has both FEI level dressage horses and jumpers to his credit. His dam Gross Liebe is a half sibling to popular stallion Landkoenig. In addition to Glorioso Noir, Gross Liebe has produced three additional licensed sons, including a full-sibling to Glorioso Noir. Her sire Grundstein I was a successful dressage horse and proved to be an exceptional producer with multiple S level jumpers to his credit.  

Zahnya is lifetime registered USEF, USDF, PHR, ASH and approved MMB GOV, Westfalen, and ARS.

Zahnya is owned in partnership with long time friend Marie Weber

Zahnya is in foal to Rockefeller for 2022. 


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